Grand-aunt Hannah was a very kind and generous person. Every time I visited her, it was hard for me to leave her home. She welcomed her guests with open arms and would not allow them to leave with empty stomach. There were always homemade cookies and chips to bring back home. I loved her as much as I loved grand-aunt Moya. My only regret, I was unable to pay my last respect during their funerals. Both had passed away during the time I was suffering from an illness in which doctors were unable to diagnose and determine the cause of the sickness.
Among the several children of grand-aunt Hannah, it is aunt Halifah that I am very close. We are about the same age. During my early teens, I used to spend the year-end school holidays in Kuala Lumpur, staying over at her home. Aunt Halifah and I used to have fun together, playing all sorts of ''kampong'' games at the house compound. When we were far apart, we used to write to each other. Till this day we always keep in touch, continuing the family ties.
The last time I met aunt Halifah was in August 2008 at my cousin's wedding. Aunt Halifah came to Singapore with her family and siblings, Aunt Pia and Uncle Wahid. It was a splendid reunion and we had an enjoyable time chatting, catching up for the lost time. We discussed about going holiday together in Trengganu to visit her sister, Aunt Makma. I was very excited about the idea and looking forward for the holiday with her even though I knew time would be a problem. However, I am confident that the day will come for me and aunt Halifah to be on a holiday with our family together! Insha'Allah.
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